One of the more unique therapy animals featured in The Dog in the Dentist Chair is Cloud the therapy dove.

It’s not all that common to find a therapy dove! Cloud works in schools and gives students the opportunity to get close to an animal they probably haven’t met before.

Recently Cloud and a few dog pals participated in Petco’s “Meet a Helping Hero Event.” They got together at a local Petco store, and people stopped to meet and greet the animals.


Another new volunteer project Cloud is participating in is a monthly stress relief program at a private K-8 school. Cloud is on hand during recess. The students play for a while, then visit Cloud before returning to class. The way the animals help the students is amazing. When they feel less stress, they’re better able to perform in class.
Next up for Cloud? Stress relief for students during college midterms!
Thank you Cloud for all you do!