Maybe it’s due to once being abandoned and on his own. Maybe he’s always super hungry. Or maybe it has something to do with Kelly eying his food. Whatever the case, when we adopted Brooks, we noticed that he devoured his kibble in just seconds.
To help the food gulping, we purchased this Durapet Slow Feed dog bowl. The bowl has a raised center, which keeps food on the sides of the bowl and prevents your dog from gulping. Does it work? Check out Brooks as he gives it a test!
Although he still eats with gusto, the slow feed bowl causes Brooks to take almost twice as long to eat! We are well-satisfied with the results. The bowl seems to help with his digestion…after his meal, Brooks no longer belches from taking in gulps of air when he eats. If you have a dog who is a gulper, Brooks and I recommend this bowl!
*Be sure to check out this great post on my pal Kol’s Notes, too, with more great Tips for Food Gulpers!