The Writer’s Dog Blog

MUTTS is a hero for animal advocacy #MUTTS

You're never too old for comics! Have you checked out MUTTS yet? The comic strip MUTTS appears in more than 700 newspapers in 20 countries.  I love the Mutts Comics because of the way creator Patrick McDonnell champions animal and rescue causes. Some of my...

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How to be a Therapy Dog, by Ike- part 1

Ike wanted to step in today to tell you all about his new venture, therapy dog classes. So, here he is! Ike: Last week a funny thing happened. Mom and Dad brought me to a new place--a big building with lots of doggy smells. That's okay, I like new places. Especially...

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8 Fun Facts about Bocker the Labradoodle

Meet my pal Bocker. He is one really inspiring dog. Here's Bocker reading Faithfully Yours!  Zeke, Ike and Kelly enjoyed reading his book, Chasing Bocker's Tale. I thought you'd like to learn some more about him. Eight Fun Facts about Bocker 1. He's a model. His...

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Behind the Scenes book signing- wordless wednesday

Here's a behind the scenes peek at my recent book signings for Faithfully Yours, the amazing bond between us and the animals we love. One book signing was even pet friendly! Zeke came to say hi Grandma! We had a fun photo op we had at one of the signings. We tried to...

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House Trained- Sweet and Funny Fido-Friendly Fiction

What could be better this fall than curling up with a warm blanket, your favorite book, and a dog by your side? And I've got the perfect book. I'm excited that I got an advanced look at my blog pal Jackie Bouchard's new novel, House Trained. The thing I love about...

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Should you switch to Grain Free Dog food?

What ingredients should I feed my dog? What is the best dog food? Should I use grain-free? Important questions. There are no easy answers.  And it's so personal. And what's best for one isn't always best for the other. It's something I've read about and...

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