The Writer’s Dog Blog

Pet Blogger Challenge- The good, the bad and the bloggy

Every year, thanks to our friends at Go Pet Friendly, and co-host Will My Dog Hate Me, we're invited to take a deep look inside, jiggle our brains until they hurt, and ask WHY AM I DOING THIS?!! So here we go, The Pet Blogger Challenge 2014: 1. How long have you been...

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January Pet Roundup- bushels of blog events

Hi and welcome to January Pet Roundup! Happy New Year!  January brings us many worthy pet blogging events. Friday is the Pet Blogger Challenge, hosted by Go Pet Friendly, and Will My Dog Hate Me. I'll be joining in, so check back for my answers to some...

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Hounds and Tabbies love Downton Abbey

Finally! At last! The PBS Masterpiece show, Downton Abbey returned! Ring the bells and launch the confetti! I've been waiting patiently (?) since the third season concluded last year. But what does this have to do with a pet blog? Well, believe it or not, I found a...

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FitDog Friday- Snow!

We've got 10 inches of fresh, powdery snow up here in the northeast. My dogs love it! They get so frisky and excited bounding in the snow. But the temperatures are also below zero, so we have to be sure to keep them out for brief periods of time. Can you have a fit...

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I Resolve… Blog Hop

I Resolve.... I resolve to work out and exercise with Kelly and Ike even more walk farther and faster and to make walks even more energetic and exciting! Statistics suggest that almost 80% of us fail to follow through on our resolutions. I know, because...

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New Year’s Resolution- Move Your Mutt-a-thon invites dog owners around the world to "Move Your Mutt" on Jan 1-4. Need a great New Year's Resolution? is offering dog owners around the world an opportunity to exercise with and...

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Merry Christmas from Peggy’s Pet Place

Merry Christmas to all! For the holidays this year, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite Christmas photos with the dogs. Dear Brooks (Deer Brooks!) Santa Kelly I'm not really liking these antlers. A beautiful cape...more like it. We didn't peek at the...

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#PetBox Delivers Fun Gifts for your Pet

Who doesn't like getting mail? Especially when it's cool treats and toys just for you...from PetBox! I have never purchased a monthly subscription service for dog lovers before, mainly because of lack of information--what was in the boxes? How often would they arrive?...

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FitDog Friday- Meet the Chesapeakes

Today I'm combining FitDog Friday with the Pet Blogger Gift Exchange!   Pet Blogger's Gift Exchange is co-hosted by Something Wagging This Way Comes and I Still Want More Puppies. In the gift exchange, I was paired with  JoAnn Stancer  at Sand Spring...

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