The Writer’s Dog Blog

Hurray for HollyWOOF

Each year Distinctive Assets creates HollyWoof Gift Bags--bags of doggy and pet swag delivered directly to 25 pet loving celebrities.  Every year there are new products being introduced to the stars and their canine companions! This year some of the celebs are...

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FitDog Friday- Dock Diving Lab

Wednesday I wrote about a Japanese artist who illustrated one of my stories about a girl and a horse. The illustrations are unique and amazing. Now I'd like you to meet another artist with a very different style, who has created an absolutely gorgeous painting of one...

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How to Calm A Dog when you Leave the House

Am I the only one who feels guilty whenever I leave the house? Something about those big, sad eyes staring at me through the window on the door, making me feel like I'm leaving them to the worst fate possible. I try to rationalize that they are fine while I'm away....

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K9 Kamp – Let’s Play Frisbee

Last week I talked about playing chase with your dog. It's just the kind of simple, spontaneous, fun fitness activity that we're stressing this month in K9 Kamp- Fun and Games. Here's another simple activity you can do with your dog--step out for a game of Frisbee!...

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Ike’s a Good Boy

Ike's a good boy. He's very quickly found a place in our home and hearts (even Kelly's!). Last week I wrote about Ike's slow heart rate. The vet taught me how to take his pulse and I take it every few days...sometimes it's 50 beats/minute, but recently it's been...

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Blog the Change- Military Working Dog Adoptions

Today is Blog the Change! Four times a year bloggers and caring individuals band together and blog about animal related causes and how we can make a difference. Today, I'd like you to meet Debbie Kandoll, of Military Working Dog Adoptions. I recently had the pleasure...

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Brooks Books- Rescue Me, Maybe

Brooks' Books Book Reviews for Pet Lovers Today's Book: Rescue Me, Maybe by Jackie Bouchard genre: Women's fiction I've been a fan of Jackie Bouchard's writing ever since her first book, What the Dog Ate. Her new release, Rescue Me, Maybe delivers the same skillful...

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Chase me if you Can

According to the American Heart Association, 80% of Americans don't make exercise a regular habit, and 14% say they don't like to exercise. I'm a little surprised by those figures. Actually, I thought it would be higher! I really don't enjoy exercising. I don't know...

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