The Writer’s Dog Blog

Merrick Jerky Strips and Faces of Chewy Giveaway

What's the best part of being a blogger's dog? Getting to be a taste tester, of course! "Are those treats for us?" "Let's get to the testing, Mom!" When contacted us about reviewing one of their new, great products, Kelly and Ike happily agreed! We selected...

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Great Big Book Celebration and Gift Pack Giveaway!

The big day is finally here! Kelly and Ike are helping me pop the cork and throw the confetti to announce the official launch of my new book, The Dieting with my Dog Guide to Weight Loss and Maintenance. We're going to have a lot of fun (and a giveaway too!) This book...

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The Tennis Ball

Ike couldn't be a fit dog without the tennis ball. For Kelly, her pink tennis ball holds this much attraction: But for Ike, there is nothing more fun than chasing a tennis ball! FitDog Friday is sponsored by Peggy's Pet Place, Slimdoggy, and To Dog with Love. Join the...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup- September 4

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Because  there are so many great tips, news, and giveaways, I was running out of days of the week. So for now, I'm trying Wednesday Pet roundup once a month, instead of every week. I'll check back in a while see if you...

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Thunderleash review and giveaway

We've been working with Ike on his leash skills, trying to get him to walk nicely without tugging and pulling, so I was very interested in trying out the new Thunderleash. (Keep reading for your chance to win one of your own!) Thunderleash is a product I trust,...

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Keeping Up with K9 Kamp- Walk this Way

This month's Keeping up with K9 Kamp activity was to do something new with your dog. This could be as elaborate as geocaching like Gizmo and kayaking like Honey or something as simple as trying a new route when you walk. For us, it involved walking...but with a twist....

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The Healing Power of a Dog’s Love

Moses is a big,  beautiful, 100 pound, cream colored golden retriever. He has a way of looking at you that melts your heart. He lived with our family for two weeks, until it was determined that he and Kelly couldn't resolve their differences and wouldn't be a...

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Magnetic Clip Makes Attaching Leashes a Snap!

Sometimes there are those little inconveniences, and then someone comes along and invents a product to help solve the problem. Fido Fashion's MagneClip® leash clip might just be the answer to your problem if you have ever  struggled attaching your dog's leash to...

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