The Writer’s Dog Blog
Announcing…it’s a boy!
Okay, did you catch on that I was hinting a little bit yesterday?! (hehe sorry!) But now I can tell you. I have some exciting news! We've got a new dog!! Please meet Ike. Peppertree Rescue, the same group that helped us with Moses and then Brooks, alerted us to a 6...
What do you do when you can’t find a dog to adopt?
Not long after we lost Brooks, we began searching for another golden retriever, inspired by the poem with the line: "...To a poor lonely stray I'd give my happy home, my bowl, my cozy bed..." Brooks would want us to adopt another. We just haven't had any luck. We had...
FitDog Friday- Sneak Peek
I couldn't think of a better place to share a sneak peek at my new book cover, than with my friends here on FitDog Friday! Ever since I wrote Dieting with my Dog, people have been asking me for more practical tips and how-to's for losing weight and getting fit with...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- August 1
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * My pal Jodi from Kol's Notes alerted me to this dog bearding thing, so I just had to try it! (What do you think Jodi?) p.s. Kelly was not amused either! * Sugar, a 2-yr old golden retriever (no relationship to another famous...
Flyover Farewell
At 12:55pm Saturday, the animals gathered on the tarmac. A group of twitter friends, bedecked with aviator goggles, readied to take flight to honor those pets who had crossed over the rainbow bridge. Sadie D. Doxie offered an opening prayer. Then The Aviators...
FitDog Friday Mini Challenge and Slimdoggy
This month we're participating in the first Keeping up with K9 Kamp mini challenge, hosted by Chester and Gretel at YDWWYW. The challenge was to determine if we were feeding our dog the right amount of food. Kelly checks out the fridge for something good! ...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- July 24, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Here's Kelly, she enjoys a dip in the lake to cool off. * Pets and Heat Wave Don't Mix. One of my concerns is seeing people walk their dogs on the hot pavement. If it's too hot for your bare feet, it's too hot for theirs. *From...
My Perch
There is a narrow window sill on our front porch where Kelly likes to perch. She watches the children play, the Fed Ex truck make deliveries, and the neighborhood cats pass by. I think she's rather cat-like in this behavior. Don't you? Want Pawsitive pet tips,...
Go Dog Go
Remember the Dr. Seuss book, Go, Dog. Go? That was always one of my favorites--and my kid's favorites when they were little. Well a fit dog is always on the go, and Kelly is no exception. She likes to join us on outings and vacations whenever she can. Recently I...