The Writer’s Dog Blog
4 Frosty Paws travel packs Giveaway!
We love bringing Kelly along on hikes, picnics and other summer outings. That's because everything's more fun with a dog involved. To help celebrate summer (And Frosty's birthday) Frosty Paws® Frozen Treats for Dogs has offered us some great picnic gear to...
Around the Campfire, K9 Kampers Tell All!
FitDog Friday is sponsored by Peggy's Pet Place, Slimdoggy and To Dog with Love. If time flies when you're having fun, we must have been having a lot of fun because K9 Kamp flew by in a wink of a puppy dog's eye! 1. How much fun did we have? How did Kamp go? What did...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- Jun 18, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *This month we've been getting fit with our dogs. We're so excited about how all our K9 Kamp Featured Bloggers andKampers are doing! Don't forget this Friday is the last day of Kamp. We'll be sitting around the kampfire singing...
When to Get a New Dog and Dog Time Petties
Something cool about the Dog Time Petties awards is that each time you nominate a blog or blog post, you can also nominate a nonprofit animal shelter or rescue to compete for a $10,000 Petties Grant. The shelter with the most nominations will win the grant. And each...
FitDog Friday- What Activities do you do with your Pet?
Do you have a special activity you enjoy doing with your dog? That's what the folks at Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and Foundation, a pet insurance company who also supports pet rescues across the country, wanted to know. And to discover some great ideas, they went...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- Look Where we See Fit Dogs!
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup, K9 Kamp Edition. Look where we found dogs getting fit: * Dog in the Gym: Here's a great exercise you can do along with your dog, from K9Kamp Official Trainers, K9 Fit Club! Diana Ozimek and Zeus * Dog in the Kayak- Honey is...
12 Things to Know About Adopting a Dog and Rescue Groups
We're spending a lot of time lately thinking about adopting a dog, looking at pictures of adoptable dogs on Petfinder, and talking to our local rescue groups. We're looking for a new furry best friend (and companion for our current dog, Kelly), and it's taking some...
K9 Kamp Exercises from K9 Fit Club
Okay all you Kampers, gather around. It's FitDog Friday again. And Coach Kelly has something to say. Meet our K9Kamp Official Trainers- K9 Fit Club! Diana Ozimek is the Director of Trainers from K9 Fit Club, the most pawsome gym in the world, where you can work...
Animal Advocacy Day Helps Protect our Pets
Animal rescue groups, humane societies, and animal supporters gathered in the Legislative Office Building in Albany, New York yesterday to lobby legislators to raise awareness for our companion animals and the need for stronger laws to protect them. Senator Ball and...