The Writer’s Dog Blog

Hug a Dog Day

What happens when a bunch of college students are facing the pressure of the end of a school year and the stress of exams? Well, at Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute last week, they got the opportunity to relax with a very special group of therapy dogs.  ...

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Announcing the 3rd Annual K9 Kamp!

Welcome to FitDog Friday! What goes hand in hand with FitDog Friday better than our annual, exciting, super fun and healthy Koly and Kelly's K9 Kamp! Many of you have participated in the past, and we're gearing up for lots more to join in the fun this year! What is...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup- 5-16-13

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! This is my mother-in-law's neighbor's dog who always greets us when we stop by to visit. Hello!! * The American Heart Association released a statement claiming that owning a dog is linked to reduced risk of heart disease. Just...

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Bison, yummmmm

I'm joining Tasty Tuesday today, with something really treats for dogs from Orijen. asked us if we'd like to review these treats...and Kelly said yes yes yes for woof's sake! We were asked to choose from Orijen's new Freeze Dried treats including...

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Best Flea and Tick Tool and Giveaway

It can be lurking anywhere...right in your back yard. Those awful little bugs crawling around, waiting to jump on your dog and make him itch or worse.  Worse?  1. Fleas not only cause itching--my vet described the discomfort of flea bites as a fiery burning...

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FitDog Friday- Yardwork Fail

Today is FitDog Friday, co-hosted by Peggy's Pet Place, Slimdoggy and To Dog with Love, highlighting ways we all get healthy, fit and active with our dogs!  We love involving Kelly in our activities. Last weekend we had a lot of yard work to do. What a perfect...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup- 5-8-13

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Kelly reminds you to take time to smell the tulips! * Sago palm is among many plants poisonous to dogs. Some garden centers are putting up signs alerting consumers to the dangers. I like this approach by one Home Depot...

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How to Prepare your Dog for a New Best Friend

A recent post by Pamela at Something Wagging This Way Comes suggested that we should prepare our dogs for adventure, such as the sailing trip she's planning on taking with her golden retriever, Honey. Her thoughts can be extrapolated out to include more than just...

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The Big Question: How’s Kelly Handling it?

Many people have asked me this question: How's Kelly handling it? Since Brooks crossed over the rainbow bridge, dog people are sensitive to the hurt and grief not only of the pet parents, but also the canine siblings left behind. It both pleases me and upsets me to...

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