The Writer’s Dog Blog
FitDog Friday–How author Patti Lawson and her dog Sadie stay fit
Today is FitDog Friday, sponsored by Peggy's Pet Place, SlimDoggy and To Dog With Love. Join in every Friday by linking up or visiting the blogs in the hop, and be sure to comment and you'll be entered into a giveaway for great FitDog prizes. Today please welcom Patti...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- May 1, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here are your links for today. *What does your dog's breed say about you? According to the feature on Fox News, those who enjoy yorkies and pugs are intelligent and creative. Golden retriever people are laid back and...
Pawsitively Homemade dog treats Giveaway
You're not going to believe these cookies...not only do they look and smell delicious, but they come in amazing flavors, varieties, designs and even colors. Have I got you drooling yet? Well they're not for you, they're for your furry friend, and they're made by...
Love that Helps Heal
Your generous notes and thoughtful gifts to help us heal from the loss of Brooks continue to pour in, and I want to thank you so much. The support of other dog lovers helps. I'm especially touched that many people reach out with touches of nature, from the star from...
FitDog Friday and Park Day
Who's up for a little fun? Maybe a game of fetch, or tag? Or just a grand ol' romp in the grass. Since the weather is starting to get nicer, it's a great time to take your pal to the park and take a hike, a run, or just play together. This is the favorite park where...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- April 24, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here are your links today: * What do you think of this new show: Spoiled Rotten Pets? * Comfort Dogs once again at work, this time in Boston. ABC News calls it Cuddle Comfort. * Here's another place where therapy dogs...
Tasty Tuesday- Dynamo Dog Treats Giveaway
One thing I love about Cloud Star, the makers of Buddy Biscuits dog treats and other all natural pet products, is their commitment to a healthy and happy lifestyle. So when they asked me if I'd like to review their newest treats, Dynamo Dog Functional Treats, I was...
When to get a new dog after pet loss?
It's only been a few weeks since we lost Brooks, but Mike and I have dared, a few times, to let the subject of getting another dog escape our lips. We say it in hushed tones, almost like a secret. As if the word got out, we'd somehow seem less loyal to Brooks. When is...
FitDog Friday- Furry Fun Run
Running is great for your health, and even greater when it combines running with your furry friend, and raising money for a great cause. FitDog Friday is co-hosted by Peggy's Pet Place, Slimdoggy, and our new co-host To Dog With Love! Today I want to share a great...