The Writer’s Dog Blog
Wednesday Pet Roundup- April 17, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! I miss the country and am always happy to see any form of wildlife here in the city. Here are some baby birds we had last year. I hope we'll see more this spring. Here are this week's links: * Interesting article in The Caller,...
Blog the Change- Meet Awesome Teen Volunteers
Today is Blog the Change, which is great timing--because it comes just before National Volunteer Week, April 21st- 27th. Because of that, we're blogging on a theme, to highlight amazing volunteers who help animal causes. Caring for animals is everyone’s duty, yet we...
FitDog Friday- Tips for Hiking with your Dog
My friend Sarah knows a thing or two about keeping fit with her dogs Charlie and Homie. They've been taking some pretty impressive hikes together up the mountains in Vermont. I asked her some questions about hiking and tips for others who'd like to hike with their...
PetSmart Charities Shares Adoption Stories
Instead of a roundup today, I want to share this wonderful post on PetSmart Charities blog. They've been asking readers to tell about how their pets enrich their lives and to share their successful, positive stories of pet adoption to inspire others to consider...
The Comfort of Friends who Understand
When bad news is shared, the response from others who understand brings comfort. I want to thank everyone who has taken time to leave a message on Facebook, comment on the blog, or send me an email or private message expressing your sympathies, and sending your...
Goodbye Brooks
It is with great sadness that I have to share with you the news that Brooks passed over the rainbow bridge Saturday. I still can't believe I'm writing this. Everyone who has ever loved a dog knows what I'm going through. All About Love I have to say that Brooks stole...
FitDog Friday- How to Get More out of Your Walks Together
Raise the Roof for FitDog Friday! A blog hop for sharing news, tips and personal experiences on the topic of pet obesity and fitness, and ways you get active with your dog, co-hosted by Peggy's Pet Place and Slimdoggy. We started this blog hop because we want to help...
First FitDog Friday Blog Hop is Tomorrow!
It's almost here! Tomorrow's the day- our first FitDog Friday Blog Hop, co-hosted with Slimdoggy. And we'd LOVE it if you'd join! How To Join FitDog Friday Blog Hop (this Friday and any/or every Friday!) 1.) Grab the badge Paste the code from my sidebar to your blog’s...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- April 3, 2013
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here are your exciting links for this week. *You've heard of the Red Cross? Now here's the Red Paw- a group to help pets displaced after fires, floods and other times of need. ABC News has the story. *Care2 Make a Difference...