The Writer’s Dog Blog
Dogs Rule This Office!
This month I'm writing something about love every weekday until Valentine's Day, and today I wanted to tell you how much I love my dog themed office supplies! My mousepad. I even bought pink tape to look more tongue-like. (But I've foundthat pink tape isn't always...
Who Let the Dogs Out
Have you seen the new show, "Who Let the Dogs Out?" It's hosted by Tillman the skateboarding dog and Norman the Scooter Dog and also features health tips by Doc Halligan--you can check out some of her topics here-- and lots more. It's a really fun show about dogs dogs...
Brooks’ Books- A Cat Who’s Almost as Smart As Me
Brooks here. I'm a lucky dog to have read two great books this month, both about LOVE. Today I'm reviewing Love Saves the Day. Gwen Cooper is an awesome author whose previous book is one of mom's favorites. You may have read Homer's Odyssey, a memoir about Gwen and...
Puppy Love- Westie Pup meets Orange Kitty
Adorable little Westie pup Gunner takes cute to a whole new level! This month I've decided to write about love every weekday until Valentine's Day, and this video my friend Jackie took of her West Highland Terrier fits the bill perfectly. Thank you Jackie for sharing...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- Fatbaby boots
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly here is all ready for the roundup too, modeling beside my Fatbaby boots! * Do dogs need hoodies and little snow boots? Steve Dale offers some cold weather tips for your pet. * Did you see those adorable hedgehog...
Our Snowball
This month I'm writing about love every weekday until Valentine's day. Today, Brooks and Kelly want to tell you about one of their favorite toys. Whether the ground is covered with big white flakes or not,we don't care. We love our snowball! There's nothing we'd...
What if your dog could send you love?
Brooks and Kelly love The Love Dog. This month, the month of LOVE, I'm going to post something on the topic of LOVE every weekday until Valentine's Day! And I have the perfect first post...a book review of The Love Dog by Elsa Watson. *KEEP READING FOR YOUR...
The super, smart, easy way to learn about clicker training
Imagine a book of the future, or a magic book like in the Harry Potter movies. A book that comes to life! That's kind of like the idea of this new training guide by Maggie Marton, of Ohmydogblog. I couldn't think of a better method for learning about dog training: an...
Wednesday Pet Roundup- Just too sleepy to help Mom.
Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and Brooks are just too tired to contribute today. zzzzzz! * Would you pay $60 or more per night for a luxury vacation for your dog while you go away? What if it included cage free accommodations, plenty of play time and...