The Writer’s Dog Blog

Straightening Out the Jack, John, Russell, Parsons

I've always loved adorable little Jack Russell Terriers...cute little face, scrappy personality.... but get confused by their seemingly ever-changing name. Is it Jack Russell, or what is this Parson Russell, and recently I read an article about a Russell terrier- no...

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Caption This – Orangutans Just Wanna Have Fun

Caption this!    Last summer we visited the National Zoo in Washington DC. The orangutans traversed these high wires to get from one area to another large play area. The ropes were somewhere around 40 feet high and the orangutans had no difficulty swinging...

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Brooks Books- Cooking up some Treats

Brooks here. Okay, what's not to like about a cookbook for dogs? I's a cookbook...for dogs! My Dog Says I'm a Great Cook! is a drool-worthy book from the publishers, readers and fans of DogTipper. These experts certainly know what's cookin'! Here's Mom with...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup- small dogs, clunkers for cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *Like small dogs? Quiz yourself-  can you name all 10 of Animal Planet's Top 10 Kid-Friendly Small Dogs? (I got 8 out of 10.) *Monkey waiters, plumber ferrets, llama golf caddies...Mashable brings you 11 animals with...

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31 Days to a Healthier Lifestyle

I love focusing on positive approaches to pet care, especially when it comes to pet weight loss. From Show us Your Dog's Waist, to Slimdoggy App, I've recently written about ways to help your pet get fit. And now, here's another. Spring Naturals "Fit With Fido" 31...

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Mobile App Helps Dogs Get Fit and Healthy

Steve and Jack. Look at Jack now!  When Steve Pelletier adopted his 7- year-old yellow lab, Jack, the dog weighed 105 lbs. and was on Prozac (for anxiety and hyperactivity) and Rimadyl (pain reliever, often for arthritis). Jack was considered unadoptable- he'd...

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Two wagging cheerleaders for Super Dog Sunday

Give me an S Give me a U Give me a P Give me an E Give me an R What do you get? SUPER!! SUPER!! SUPER! Wait! Not Supper? Oh well. Kelly and Brooks here, cheering for Super Dog Sunday. Brooks says I know I'm a jokes about the purple hair bows please 🙁 Super...

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Brooks’ Books- How to Cause Mischief

Brooks here! I've got an awesome book for you today. It's not going to take you a long time to read. It's full of pictures of dogs doing lots of cute things. And, if you're a dog like me, you're going to learn something really valuable! How to cause mischief. What's...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup- Snowdogs and Warm Cats

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *It's always nice when I can find something of interest in the sports my husband and son watch so much. Here, two playful retrievers stole the show for a bit was they wandered onto a soccer match in Turkey. I love how playful...

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