The Writer’s Dog Blog

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Halloween

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Happy Howl-o-ween! Here are Kelly and Brooks' costumes! And, here are today's links, and a contest winner. * If you suspect that your pet ingests something toxic this Halloween, call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison...

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Snack Attack

Kelly and Brooks love snacks, almost as much as I do. Have you tried the new Science Diet Ideal Balance treats yet? Okay, well has your dog tried them then? These treats look like wholesome cookies you might bake yourself. The All Natural Fruity Snacks are made with...

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Pointer and Counterpointer- Dog Costumes

Today I'm unveiling a new feature, where my two dog pals, Pointer and Counterpointer, will discuss two sides of current hot issues. Question: Should you dress up your pet for Halloween? POINTER: Of course! Every year my family makes a big deal out of Halloween, so why...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Here's my son walking the dogs on a nice crisp fall day. And here are your links for this week: *The Detroit News reports that pets inadvertently set more than 500 house fires in the US every year. Be careful with your...

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Do Something Good Today with #BTC4A

Easy as a tweet....we're trying to raise $5000 for rescue animals, and you can help! I'm honored to be a part of Be The Change for Animals, and this campaign is really important. Please join Team BTC and for every tweet and blog post featuring the #BTC4A hashtag from...

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Awesome Pet Photo Cards Giveaway

Take a right at the Halloween candy, and you might glimpse the festive Christmas decorations displayed in the stores. And, on TV, have you seen the Christmas commercial with the giant Target dog prancing through the town? That's right, the holiday season is here....

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Feed Your Dogs- Feed Shelter Dogs

Buy one Get One--you mean one for me, one for Brooks? Our vet said that our newly-adopted Brooks had been malnourished, and he suffered many intestinal, skin and other health problems because of it. Because Brooks had been on his own, and at different shelters for...

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Wednesday Pet Roundup

I'll play, but don't tackle me! Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Here are this week's links: * From Huff Post, a dog saves a 9 week old infant. What caused his bizarre behavior? * Word has leaked out that Michael Vick has a new dog. Read why CBS...

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