The Writer’s Dog Blog

Blog the Change and Me

Kelly and Brooks This is part of Blog the Change. On Be the Change for Animals I've written about many inspiring people and organizations, but recently I started thinking, what does it really mean, to someone like me, to "be the change for animals without spending a...

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Blog the Change with us

Won't you Blog the Change? Monday October 15 is our next Blog the Change Day. What does this mean? It means that on this day, bloggers all around the world join together to share something meaningful to support people helping animals. And we'd love to have you join!...

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10 Tips on Ntl Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Hmmm what looks good? Today is the sixth annual National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. It's a great day to take a look at your pet and evaluate his weight.   The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that more than half of U.S. dogs and cats are...

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Pampered Pooch Party

Eileen and some of the products on display. You know those parties, like Tupperware and Pampered Chef? Well, I went to a Pampered Pooch party! My pal Eileen, mom to adorable golden retriever Zak, held the party which featured products by DogGone Stylish. Eileen was so...

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Loved Dog Art

Beautiful likeness! One of the most exciting surprises I found in my HollyWoof gift bag (See my review of all the products I sampled at Dog Goody Bag.) this past summer was a certificate for a beautiful custom pastel dog portrait by artist Mechelle Roskiewicz of Loved...

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The Next Big Thing

I'm boring my dogs. What is the next big thing? I guess everyone should have a "next big thing" on their list.  Last week Dorothy Wills-Raftery from the pawsome Five Sibes blog, and author of What'sWrong With Gibson? Learning About K-9 Epilepsy,  tagged me...

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How to Walk Your Dog without Pulling and Choking

What is this new Walk in Sync system, Mom? If your dog's a tugger and a puller at the leash, it's not just a nuisance for you. Consider this: her neck is getting pushed and pressed upon, jolted and--if you use a choke collar--pinched and squeezed. That can't be a...

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How Horses Help Mental Health Therapy

Catherine's daughter Haley and pal. Most of you who read this blog understand and may have even experienced healing bonds with animals. I often write about how dogs heal. Of course, cats, rabbits and many other animals help humans as well. Today please welcome my good...

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Mission Pawsible

4 Paws for Ability Papillion I was talking to a woman on the phone. "Excuse the noise," she said. "I'm transporting a carload of papillions." In the background I heard little yaps and barks. "No problem." I continued conducting the interview. I was speaking with Karen...

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