The Writer’s Dog Blog

I’m Itchy Itchy Itchy

Recently I attended Petvocate's webinar on fleas and ticks. Petvocate is an online community supported by Pet Armor. I attended even though, I smugly thought, my dogs never had fleas. Then, about a week after the seminar....Brooks got fleas! I didn't know that would...

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Blogville Back to School Bash–Doggone Dieting

Blogville Back to School Bash Doggone Dieting 101 Good Morning Class! I hope everyone is enjoying Blogville School today. I'm your teacher, Miss Kelly.  The blond at the door is our teacher's aide Mr. Brooks. He's checking out the window to make sure the buses...

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The Frankie Fund and National Walk N Roll Dog Day

I want to tell you about a special day coming up, to celebrate a fearless dachshund girl, Frankie the Walk 'n' Roll Dog, who crossed over the rainbow bridge this summer. Better yet, I'm going to let Frankie's mom tell you a little bit about her, and about her special...

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To Jack in Heaven

Illustration from Angels on Earth magazine Sept/Oct 2012 A dog, a little girl, and a mailman. Oh yes, and an angel. Last year I read a sweet news story about the Baker family, grieving for their dear golden retriever, and the letter that helped them all feel better....

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Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Brooks is showing you his favorite activity...playing fetch! Kelly is there on the sidelines, saying "What? Run? Why don't you!" Here are your links for this week: * I love seagulls, but apparently they're not always welcome on...

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Dog Goodie Bag

Kelly and Brooks dreamed they were sent a huge bag full of dog products to sample and play with and eat and....wait! It wasn't a dream! This is so cool! Distinctive Assets, a "celebrity gifting" organization, sent us samples from their awesome HollyWOOF gift bag...

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