We care about pet obesity and dog fitness, and keeping our furry friends slim and healthy. Everyone wants to help their pets lead long, happy, healthy lives. So that’s why we’re excited to share news about all the great ways people are getting fit and active with their dogs! And you can help.

Dog on scale
Weighing your dog is one way to help make sure he’s keeping fit!

We’re teaming up with Slimdoggy.com to introduce a new blog hop for everyone–we’re calling it FitDog Friday!
We’d love it if you’d join in. Just write about anything related to pet obesity, or healthy activities for pets, or tell us about an activity you do with your dog such as hiking or agility, or write about your successes or challenges. There’s no right or wrong–just write about the subject in any sense you want. 

FitDog Friday
FitDog Friday


Our first FitDog Friday is April 5. We hope to see you there! Just grab the badge, link up (after 12:01am PT Fridays). Even if you don’t post a blog, we hope you’ll check out some of the great blogs posting about getting fit with their dogs!

Cute dog on scale
Am I overweight?

And here are two great ideas to get you blogging about FitDog Friday-
*Slimdoggy will be giving away a limited number of free Slimdoggy apps. You can use the app and blog about your results! Just contact Steve at slimdoggy.com.
*And I’m offering a great discount on signed copies of Dieting with my Dog. You can blog about the book, or something you learned from the book. Email me or leave a message here if you’re interested.



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