One of the joys of blogging about pets is connecting with other pet bloggers.
We can connect by anything from staying at home and commenting on other pet blogs…or by getting out and traveling to a big conference such as Blog Paws. Another great way to connect is through Pet Blogs United, “your virtual place for snuggles, wags, barks, purrs and fun.” Oskar and Pam do a great job at introducing us to hundreds of other pet blogs –just check out that blog roll!
And…I’m excited that Peggy’s Peg Place is the featured weekly blog this week!
One of the pictures I shared on PBU is this one (above), which always makes me smile. Kelly is usually curled up somewhere, but this time she just felt most comfy on her back. All that scraggly fur all over cracks me up because it is all blond on the bottom, but…
as you can see from this picture of her right side up, she’s sable colored on top! Also her fur on the top is soft and silky like a saluki (perhaps), yet the bottom coat is thick and curly, more like a cocker spaniel. Almost like two different dogs!
Anyway, I hope you jump over to PBU and check out my featured blogger appearance. And keep connecting with all the great blogs listed there. Thanks!