Blog the Change tomorrow

Kelly’s dreaming about all the great people who help animals. And tomorrow (July 15) you can join Blog the Change and share a bit about your favorite animal cause or positive action you’ve taken on behalf of our furry friends.If you don’t have a blog...

Good news for BAD RAP

This is my friend Nikki’s dog, Sonny. Don’t you just love that smile? I think Sonny is the perfect spokesdog for this post about BAD RAP, the cause of the month for The Honest Kitchen.Q: What is BAD RAP?A: Bay Area Doglovers Responsible About Pitbulls....

Blog the Change- Petfinder

Be the Change for Animals is celebrating another Blog the Change Day! This is a great day to blog about a cause near and dear to our hearts, inspire involvement, and share that vision with the BtC community! This event positively impacts animals and advocates one-one...

Blog the Change– Grey Muzzles and Love

I’m so excited to be part of the Be the Change for Animals blog day event! This active group is all about helping animals, providing a platform to spread the voice of animal advocates and people just like you and me, who love animals. We can make a...