Brooks’ Books- A Cat Who’s Almost as Smart As Me

Brooks here. I’m a lucky dog to have read two great books this month, both about LOVE. Today I’m reviewing Love Saves the Day. Gwen Cooper is an awesome author whose previous book is one of mom’s favorites. You may have read Homer’s Odyssey, a...

Brooks’ Books- How to Cause Mischief

Brooks here! I’ve got an awesome book for you today. It’s not going to take you a long time to read. It’s full of pictures of dogs doing lots of cute things. And, if you’re a dog like me, you’re going to learn something really valuable!...

Brooks Books- Dogs of Courage

Brooks here. Would you like to read a book about hero dogs? Then I’ve got the book for you: Dogs of Courage, the Heroism and Heart of Working Dogs Around the World by Lisa Rogak. Of course, I think all dogs are heroes.  Here’s Mom with the review:...

Brooks Books- Dogs on Wheels

Hi Brooks here! The book I found for you today is called Dogs on Wheels, Traveling with your canine companion. I can tell you already that I highly approve of this book, since I like traveling with Mom and Dad. Here’s Mom to tell you more! Me: Dogs on wheels by...