Hound of the Book Reviews #2: A Famous Dog’s Life

If you love dogs and you love books, then this is the place for you! This week I’m reviewing great new dog books. So join me for Hound of the Book Reviews! Read on to see how you can win a copy of today’s book, too!Today we’re reviewing a wonderful...

Hound of the Book Reviews #1 – Dog Walks Man

Howl Out and join me this week for my Hound of the Book Reviews, as I celebrate two of my favorite passions… dogs and reading. I’ll be blogging reviews of great new dog books from inspiring authors every day this week.First up is Dog Walks Man: A Six...

30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup….Oops! Instead of a round up today, I’m going to tell you about a book, 30 Days to a Well-Mannered Dog, The Loved Dog Method, by Tamar Geller.I won this book through a random drawing on That Mutt blog. Thanks Linday...