Dog and Me, Weight Loss Before and After Shots

My dog and I are dieting together, and have been for some time now. We’ve discovered that keeping fit is a lifelong challenge. Sometimes we do better than others. But now we have the basics, and if sometimes we slip, we always find our way back. It’s not...

The Dogs of 9/11…Ten Years Later

Look at them now, these hero dogs of 9/11 in these beautiful photos by Charlotte Dumas. Today they are aged between 12 and 16 years old. Seeing their beautiful gray muzzles, I’m reminded how long ago this disaster unfolded. As we approach the tenth anniversary...

Support for Weight Loss

My dog was fat.So was I.Then, as many of you know, we got healthy and fit together. That’s what our forthcoming book is all about. As a place to get together and discuss the struggles of losing weight and maintaining weight loss, for both people AND pets...

Homeward Bound Rescue

What if there was a way to combine filming a video trailer for my upcoming book and promote pet adoption at the same time…What if…Enter Homeward Bound Dog Rescue, of Albany NY.Recently my husband/videographer and I visited Homeward Bound’s adoption...

Dieting with My Dog–My First Models

The book is written, the contract with a publisher signed, and the release date set (this August!) But my work isn’t done. Now I am spending time on the promotional material needed to get the word out and let people know when Dieting with My Dog hits the...