Don’t forget to pack the Kong.

We love summer vacations and getaways….especially when we can bring along our goldens, Ernest and Petey. After many trips where we’ve developed a list of items to help us all have a successful trip. Along with extra long leads, collapsible travel bowls,...

Bob-a-lot of fun! A treat dispensing toy for your dog.

We have so much fun as #ChewyInfluencer, and this time we got to review a really great toy! Petey had so much fun with this. If you’re looking for a toy for your dog that is a lot of fun and keeps him moving and active this is it! The Starmark Treat Dispensing...

Healthy Treats for Dogs #ChewyInfluencer

Top Ten about Nature’s Variety Instinct Grain Free oven-baked dog biscuits: 10. Made in the USA 9. Natural 8. Grain free 7. Gluten free 6. No added sugar 5. Chicken meal is the first ingredient 4. Includes chickpeas, cranberries, pumpkinseeds and ground flaxseed...

My dogs’ favorite toy.

My dogs chew. A lot. And to keep Petey from chewing this sneakers, slippers, rugs, dish towels and anything else not nailed down, I like to keep him stocked in chew toys. Recently invited us to review the Benebone. We love being Chewy Influencers because we...

Canine Cancer Survivor Becomes Therapy Dog

Mom, tell me again the story about how you chose me. Ernest, we chose you because you needed us, and we needed you. I’m so excited that Ernest’s adoption story is shared on’s Pet Stories. I’ve been a Chewy Influencer for years,...