Homeward Bound Rescue

What if there was a way to combine filming a video trailer for my upcoming book and promote pet adoption at the same time…What if…Enter Homeward Bound Dog Rescue, of Albany NY.Recently my husband/videographer and I visited Homeward Bound’s adoption...

Dieting with My Dog–My First Models

The book is written, the contract with a publisher signed, and the release date set (this August!) But my work isn’t done. Now I am spending time on the promotional material needed to get the word out and let people know when Dieting with My Dog hits the...

The Cover Revealed!

I can’t wait to share this with you all.As many of you know, my first book is coming out this summer. It’s about families, changes, love, losing weight, and of course, Kelly.After accepting my manuscript, one of the first things my publisher needed was a...

Big News–It’s a Book!

I have some exciting news to share with you. I got a book deal!! I recently signed the contract with the publisher for my first book, Dieting With My Dog! (working title). The book will be released this summer. Kelly and I are both super excited.Here is the book...