Blogville Back to School Bash–Doggone Dieting

Blogville Back to School Bash Doggone Dieting 101 Good Morning Class! I hope everyone is enjoying Blogville School today. I’m your teacher, Miss Kelly.  The blond at the door is our teacher’s aide Mr. Brooks. He’s checking out the window to make...

Hey Bo Obama, Did You Read My Book?

It seems the First Dog has had a few too many yummy scraps from state dinners, and now is on a diet. Jackie from Pooch Smooches first alerted me to this, having read about it on Two Little Cavaliers. She suggested that Bo could use a copy of my book. Don’t worry...

How to Publish Your Dog’s Story

So, your dog has a story to tell? Well you’ve come to the right place! First of all, jump over to Kol’s Notes today, where I have a guest post about How to Write Your Dog’s Story.  Then, check back here for tips on how to get that story...