Wednesday Pet Roundup- Springing along

Hi and welcome to Wednesday pet Roundup! I hope your day is as relaxing as Kelly’s and Brooks’s! * Does your dog receive enough exercise? My SA San Antonio article says that letting your dog out in the yard may not be enough.  * What do Krypto, Astro,...

Pooch to 5K motivates Kelly and me

Kelly says “Let’s Go!” Several months ago I attempted the Couch to 5K, a fitness training program for running a 5k, with a gradual increase in intensity. Now, I’ve discovered a new option: Pooch to 5K! A training program for running with your...

Pilates for Pups

 Sometimes I get down on the living room floor and do some exercises, and Kelly climbs all over me and sits on my stomach and licks my face…turns out, we are doing PAWS-ilates!  PAWS-ilates is a new fitness program you can do with your dog, created by...

My Dog can Jump- Challenge #4

You’re supposed to jump OVER it Kelly, not sit on it! Here it is, our fourth Koly and Kelly K9Kamp Fitness Challenge sponsored by us and Kol’s Notes.  Only one more to go! How are you holding up? Remember, you don’t have to complete every week...