I still want more puppies

I’d like to introduce you to one of our amazing Featured Bloggers at Koly and Kelly’s K9Kamp (To meet another Featured Blogger, check out Kol’s Notes too!) And, keep reading to the end to find this week’s contest for Juniper Fetching sticks...

My Dog can Jump- Challenge #4

You’re supposed to jump OVER it Kelly, not sit on it! Here it is, our fourth Koly and Kelly K9Kamp Fitness Challenge sponsored by us and Kol’s Notes.  Only one more to go! How are you holding up? Remember, you don’t have to complete every week...

Canine Freestyle and Pizza

Life with Lulu and Wally too  I’d like to introduce you to one of our amazing Featured Bloggers at Koly and Kelly’s K9Kamp (To meet another Featured Blogger, check out Kol’s Notes too!) And, keep reading to the end to find this week’s...

Tug Fun for Your Dog- Challenge #3

We are having so much fun at Koly and Kelly’s K9Kamp, I can’t believe it’s week 3 already.  It’s easy! Just jump in any time. No commitment. No sign up. You don’t have to commit to the whole 6 weeks or anything. Check out this...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

This is my very best friend, Snakey. Hi and Welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! * Have you seen the marathon of posts, messages and tweets for “Less Adoptable Pet week”? I love it! These pets include black dogs, FIV+ cats, senior pets, and special needs...