An Apple A Day

We went apple picking, and stocked up on my favorites: Macouns. If you haven’t tried them yet, they are crisp, a bit tart, and super yummy. So I figured Kelly would like to get in on the fun. Apples are great for dogs (but not apple seeds. They can be toxic.)...

Calorie Counting, Canine Style

When it comes to counting calories, I’m not a big fan. I start a tally, but I always give it up by the time a few days goes by. But I AM a fan of knowing about how many calories are in my food, and about how many calories I should consume each day. For example,...

Mini is Better!

I confess. I’m a Frequent Treater.Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to praise and love, she gets a lot of treats.Recently, as we’ve been dieting together, I’ve been...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Meet a dog I met this weekend, Fozzie Bear! He likes to ride around in his mom and dad’s golf cart.* Catster brings you the cutest cat in the world. I agree!* Here is a great list from Dr. Shawn Finch, DVM on Life with...

Neater Feeder

Kelly doesn’t have the neatest table manners. She scatters kibble with enthusiastic dining, and slobbers her water. So, when I was asked to review the Neater Feeder, I thought it was a product we could really, uhhh, sink our teeth into.Neater Feeder is an...