Girlish figure and manly physique

Alert friend Jackie at Pooch Smooches alerted me to this great blog hop over at Dawg Business: Show off Your Dog’s Waistline Campaign. Well I just had to join in!  Pet Obesity is a subject I’ve blogged about often and it’s receiving a great deal...

I’m Itchy Itchy Itchy

Recently I attended Petvocate’s webinar on fleas and ticks. Petvocate is an online community supported by Pet Armor. I attended even though, I smugly thought, my dogs never had fleas. Then, about a week after the seminar….Brooks got fleas! I didn’t...

Brooks on the Mend

Many of you have been wondering how Brooks is recovering. He had his 2 week post-op check up and I can report to you that he’s healing very well! The incision looks wonderful. I told the vet that she was brilliant and she grinned and said “I love doing...

Best Dog Cone, Elizabethan Collar Options

Brooks is rockin’ his stylish Elizabethan collar. If you’ve seen the movie “UP” you are sure to know the adorable dog Dug (I still want to spell it Doug, but apparently it is correctly spelled Dug) and his Cone of Shame.  Do you see a...

Home after Surgery

After abdominal surgery to remove obstructions in the intestines, our boy Brooks is now home! Here’s where they put my IV. On the way home, I stopped to say hi to Gramma and Grampa. Hi Grampa. Hi Gramma. Here’s the corn cobs they took out of my intestines....