A Messy Job

What is this, you ask? There’s a little spoon inside.  Hint: I was given this at the veterinarian’s office. I’m strangely happy about receiving this because it’s designed to contain …well, poo. No more collecting samples in tin...

W is for Water Therapy

Pawing through the Alphabet W is for Water Therapy  Here is Libby on the underwater treadmill. She almost looks like she’s smiling! Must be good stuff. When Libby, a miniature Australian Shepherd, began hopping around on 3 legs and avoiding putting weight...

T is for Toothbrush

 Pawing through the Alphabet T is for Toothbrush My veterinarian informed me how important it is to brush Kelly’s teeth, so we got her a new toothbrush set. It contains a little finger brush to get her used to the idea, some yummy chicken toothpaste, and a...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and I can hardly believe that December is just a day away, with all the holiday fun ahead. Here’s Kelly supervising the carving of the Thanksgiving turkey. * It’s cold and flu season and you may be wondering,...

Calorie Counting, Canine Style

When it comes to counting calories, I’m not a big fan. I start a tally, but I always give it up by the time a few days goes by. But I AM a fan of knowing about how many calories are in my food, and about how many calories I should consume each day. For example,...