by Peggy | Jul 25, 2011 |
I’ve spent a lot of money on dog toys Kelly’s shown no interest in. Kind of like that expensive toy you buy your toddler, and then he only wants to play with the box. Sometimes, the simple things are better.A great website, Wisebread “living large on...
by Peggy | Sep 22, 2010 |
Kelly roots through her basket of toys like a truffle pig, searching for just the right one. Why does a particular toy catch her fancy at any given moment? Who knows. She has her favorites, like the pink bunny (now decapitated and dismembered.) She loves toys!Recently...
by Peggy | Jun 14, 2010 |
Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!*This picture is one of the contest winners from Pet Happy! Find more of the cutest pet photos here.* I love learning about interactive toys that might keep my spaniel Kelly amused and involved. The Pet Blog shares this review of...