Brooks’ Books- Of Wolves and Westies

Brooks here. I’m so far behind on my book reviews, I’m going to bring you TWO books today. One is The Truth about Wolves and Dogs by Toni Shelbourne. Should I exercise my inner wolf? Aroooo! The other book is You Tell Your Dog First by Alison Pace. Well,...

The Two Dogs– A Trainier’s Expert Opinion

When we brought Moses into our home, sometimes things were beautiful with Kelly and Moses. They seemed to okay together. We loved having this beautiful sweet boy. Sometimes Kelly was territorial. I guess that’s to be expected. It’s tough to share your new...

Friday Woof!–Training My Fearful Dog

Friday WOOF! (Wagging On and On Forever!)– advice, information, resources and true stories about our animal friends. Guest post by Sharon Azar  Love Saves the Day Dean and his girlfriend, Alice were moving to a small room in a dog-unfriendly house, so they...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

*Your dog could be on the cover of an Orvis catalog! Got a great photo? Enter the contest for cover dog. Since it is a fishing/sporting catalog, I entered this photo. Also, there is still time to enter the AAA Pet Book Photo Contest. *Feeling a little down about your...

Mini is Better!

I confess. I’m a Frequent Treater.Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to praise and love, she gets a lot of treats.Recently, as we’ve been dieting together, I’ve been...