What’s in those Genes?

Our first dog was a Dalmatian (That’s Schuyler there on the left). After we adopted him, we learned that some dalmatians can be a bit snippy and also are prone to hip problems and deafness. Fortunately our dog was gentle and healthy.Our next dog was a Yellow...

Sit! Stay! Diet!

When I decided to share my struggle–and my dog’s struggle–of losing weight, I knew that many pet owners would relate. The American Medical Association reports that 65% of U.S. adults are overweight, and the American Veterinary Medical Association...

Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and Welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!*Today is the kickoff day for Be the Change for Pets second cause, helping provide food and supplies to animal shelters around the world. Check out all the ways you can become involved in the Dog Days of Summer Pet Food Drive.* How...

Dog Food Month– Reading about Eating

What’s better than a dog and a book? I love snuggling up with Kelly on one side, and a good book in my hand (and perhaps a nice cold drink in the other hand?) And in this case, what better than a book about kibble and canines to complete our month-long look at...

Welcome to Dog Food Month

I am a person who sometimes struggles with believing something is positive… and acting upon that belief. For example, I believe in saving the environment, yet I still sometimes use paper towels and drink out of disposable plastic water bottles.I realize the same...