Monday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Monday Pet Roundup!* Rachel Baum from Bark: Confessions of a Dog Trainer shares how pet parents often anthropomorphize their pets. I can relate! Isn’t Kelly really feeling sad when I leave her home alone? Or hungry when she sees me eating a...

Monday Rufferences and Mews

Welcome to Monday Rufferences and Mews!It may not be practical–or desirable–to get your kids a puppy or kitten for Christmas. But never fear, the hot new trend this year might appease your kids’ desire for a pet, while saving a fortune on dog food....

Spot the Fat Dog

Since my book is about dieting with my dog, I’m always interested in other pet owners’ struggles with keeping their pets slim and trim. Most often, the pet weight gain is simply a case of a few extra pounds due to a few too many doggie cookies or table...

God and dog

This video has been going around like crazy, but I couldn’t resist posting it here because every time I watch it, I smile. To me, the simple words are sweet and true. I just love the message. And when, at the end, the dog smiles. It’s a nice way to start...

The Best Training Tips from Joel Silverman

A few weeks ago I blogged about a cool touring bus decorated with dog pictures, which I spotted in my local mall parking lot. I’ve since learned that the bus is traveling across the country, not only promoting an awesome new book, What Color Is Your Dog? but...