When Dogs Run the Office- Guest Post by Elsa Watson

Elsa and Lucky I am honored and excited to bring you this guest post today, by Elsa  author of The Love Dog. Elsa wanted to share with you about taking her dog to work. When Dogs Run the Office by Elsa Watson It’s all fun and games until someone reaches for the...

Pawsome Painted Window Scenes with Dogs (and Cats)

Do you include your dogs in your holiday traditions? Since they’re part of the family, of course dogs should join in the festivities too. Jackie from Pooch Smooches and I thought it would be fun to trade some of our holiday traditions on our blogs today. I wrote...

S is for Squirrels

Doug:  “SQUIRREL!!” Pawing through the Alphabet S is for Squirrels I was going to write about Something Wagging Train Your Dog Month Challenge, and discuss my training results here. My challenge was to work on Kelly’s mailman aversion. Due to...

H is for Happy

Join me as I continue Pawing through the Alphabet. Today, for the Pet Blogger Hop, H is for Happy! I’m smiling as I’m writing this, because it is probably the most pleasant and personal subject I will ever blog about. Let me introduce you to Happy....

E is for Ears

Pawing through the Alphabet E is for Ears What’s that I hear? There are names for all those different size and shape ears! For some reason I find this fascinating. Without names, I’d just describe ears as droopy, pointy or furry. Now…I can call them...