Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and I can hardly believe that December is just a day away, with all the holiday fun ahead. Here’s Kelly supervising the carving of the Thanksgiving turkey. * It’s cold and flu season and you may be wondering,...

32 Simple Things You Do that Matter to Dogs

I was trying to think of my favorite cause for Blog the Change, and one of the things I care about most is how pets are treated. It turns my stomach and breaks my heart to read about careless, cruel and stupid some people who neglect and abuse animals. It...

Blended Families and Pets

First, I’d like to announce the winner of the DNA Test Kit contest, selected from among the comments left on that blog: Amber Jackson. Congratulations! Please send me your contact information and mailing address (peggyfrezon at gmail dot com) Now on to our guest...

Need some social networking? Get a dog!

For this cold winter weather, I have quite the appropriate guest blog: how dogs are the perfect ice breaker. Okay, so it’s not that kind of ice breaker. But dogs can help us break the ice, socially, as guest blogger Heather Reynolds shares.How Dogs are the...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup (formerly Monday Pet Roundup!) Here’s Kelly relaxing on one of our fall walks.* Are these animal and pet photos adorable or ugly? Decide for yourself in this Huffington Post article. (me: Pygmy hippo–adorable. Naked...