Fit Dog Friday- A Slow Feeder that Really Works

I wasn’t looking for new dog bowls, but when I entered the pet store to purchase a bag of dog food, something caught my eye. Bright colored, interactive feeders on display right as I walked through the door. Well, I guess I fell for the product placement,...

5 Positive Things About Pets and Winter

FitDog Friday- Had enough Winter? Here’s 5 Reasons why Pets Make Winter Better–and that includes keeping fit! 5 Positive Things About Pets and Winter The joys of pets combined with the wonder of the season. Whether you love the invigorating temperatures...

Does your dog spend more time sleeping or playing?

Kelly wakes up in the morning, has breakfast, and then settles down for a nice nap. After a few hours laying around the house, she’s ready for another nap. We go out for our midday walk and, you guessed it–she comes in and naps again. Sometimes I worry...

FitDog Friday – What the heck is Skijoring?

You wake up, look out the window and it’s cold and snowy outside. What do you say? A. “I’m going back to bed, wake me in the spring.” B. “Winter, Schminter! Nothings going to keep me from getting out and getting fit with my dogs!”...

Dr. Ike is in the house

Dr. Ike has been busy. He’s helping take care of his Dad. His Dad had encountered several serious health conditions, including pulmonary embolisms and internal bleeding, and has been in the hospital for several weeks, and will be recuperating at home for many...