K9Kamp #3- Make our Hide and Seek Challenge Your Own

Welcome to FitDog Friday and week 3 of K9Kamp! Co-hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place, Slimdoggy, and To Dog with Love. If you missed Week 1: check back to find out what it’s all about check out our first challenge enter our great prize Rafflecopter! So how are...

FitDog Friday- So much fun, you don’t mind the fitness

FitDog Friday and K9Kamp are joining together for some serious fun and fitness! Have you been playing Doggie Hide and Seek? If not, check out the rules for our first K9Kamp challenge. And don’t forget to take some pictures and link up for our K9Kamp Around the...

FitDog Friday- NEW K9Kamp, Let’s Get Ready!

It’s FitDog Friday, and we have a special announcement! K9Kamp is coming! You don’t have to pack….you don’t have to shape up your swimsuit body….you don’t have to dig your flashlight and sleeping bag out of the closet. You can...

January Pet Roundup- bushels of blog events

Hi and welcome to January Pet Roundup! Happy New Year!  January brings us many worthy pet blogging events. Friday is the Pet Blogger Challenge, hosted by Go Pet Friendly, and Will My Dog Hate Me. I’ll be joining in, so check back for my answers to some...

FitDog Friday- Snow!

We’ve got 10 inches of fresh, powdery snow up here in the northeast. My dogs love it! They get so frisky and excited bounding in the snow. But the temperatures are also below zero, so we have to be sure to keep them out for brief periods of time. Can you have a...