January Pet Roundup- bushels of blog events

Hi and welcome to January Pet Roundup! Happy New Year!  January brings us many worthy pet blogging events. Friday is the Pet Blogger Challenge, hosted by Go Pet Friendly, and Will My Dog Hate Me. I’ll be joining in, so check back for my answers to some...

Give Cancer The Paw Blog Hop

Today is our very first Give Cancer the Paw Blog Hop, co-hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place and Pooch Smooches.  Unfortunately, cancer has affected too many family members and loved ones, including canine and feline friends. According to the National Canine Cancer...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Dogtober

Hi and Happy Dogtober! Here is our Pet Roundup news today. * Crash Test Dummy dogs have been put to the test and…those dog harness and seatbelts didn’t fare well. The test revealed hardware and construction problems and other issues that resulted in dogs...