Brooks Says, Adopt a Senior Dog

I’m joining Petfinder in celebrating November as Adopt-A-Senior-Pet Month. Why is this one of my “pet” causes? –If you’re a regular here, you know it’s because we adopted Brooks as a senior dog. Brooks was 11 years old when we...

Mission Pawsible

4 Paws for Ability Papillion I was talking to a woman on the phone. “Excuse the noise,” she said. “I’m transporting a carload of papillions.” In the background I heard little yaps and barks. “No problem.” I continued...

Moses’ New Home

You meet a lot of nice folk at picnics…and guess who we met? This weekend we attended a reunion picnic for everyone who adopted their dogs from Peppertree Rescue. Brooks enjoyed meeting all the other dogs including…. Moses! Remember Moses, the beautiful,...

Kelly and Brooks

Okay, so now the question you’re all waiting for….how do Kelly and Brooks get along? Does this answer things? I can’t say that Kelly hasn’t been bossy.  She makes a big, noisy scene and gets possessive over food. A crumb dropped on the...