Dr. Ike is in the house

Dr. Ike has been busy. He’s helping take care of his Dad. His Dad had encountered several serious health conditions, including pulmonary embolisms and internal bleeding, and has been in the hospital for several weeks, and will be recuperating at home for many...

K9Kamp #3- Make our Hide and Seek Challenge Your Own

Welcome to FitDog Friday and week 3 of K9Kamp! Co-hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place, Slimdoggy, and To Dog with Love. If you missed Week 1: check back to find out what it’s all about check out our first challenge enter our great prize Rafflecopter! So how are...

K9Kamp Challenge– Let’s Play Doggie Hide and Seek!

The Big Day is Here! Time for 9Kamp, and our first Challenge: Hey, here you are! We’ve been looking for you. We are soooo excited that you’ve joined us for the first day of Kamp! Keep reading to find out what it’s all about, our first challenge and...

FitDog Friday- NEW K9Kamp, Let’s Get Ready!

It’s FitDog Friday, and we have a special announcement! K9Kamp is coming! You don’t have to pack….you don’t have to shape up your swimsuit body….you don’t have to dig your flashlight and sleeping bag out of the closet. You can...

Gizmo does Great Kamping!

We couldn’t do K9Kamp without the support of our awesome featured bloggers. Today please meet Gizmo from Terrier Torrent. Gizmo is a faithful Kamper…can’t you tell?! Gizmo is already an active pooch–he participates in many great activities and...