Keeping Up with K9 Kamp- Walk this Way

This month’s Keeping up with K9 Kamp activity was to do something new with your dog. This could be as elaborate as geocaching like Gizmo and kayaking like Honey or something as simple as trying a new route when you walk. For us, it involved walking…but...

A Parade of Dogs

Fit Dog Friday, hosted by Peggy’s Pet Place, Slimdoggy, and To Dog with Love, is a weekly place to blog about ways you and your dog get fit and active together! Here’s a different way to get active with your dog–join a parade!  Two dogs enjoy...

Around the Campfire, K9 Kampers Tell All!

FitDog Friday is sponsored by Peggy’s Pet Place, Slimdoggy and To Dog with Love. If time flies when you’re having fun, we must have been having a lot of fun because K9 Kamp flew by in a wink of a puppy dog’s eye! 1. How much fun did we have? How did...

Wednesday Pet Roundup- Jun 18, 2013

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! *This month we’ve been getting fit with our dogs. We’re so excited about how all our K9 Kamp Featured Bloggers andKampers are doing! Don’t forget this Friday is the last day of Kamp. We’ll be sitting...

FitDog Friday- What Activities do you do with your Pet?

Do you have a special activity you enjoy doing with your dog? That’s what the folks at Healthy Paws Pet Insurance and Foundation, a pet insurance company who also supports pet rescues across the country, wanted to know. And to discover some great ideas, they...