by Peggy | Apr 30, 2011 |
I love a party, especially one where dogs are invited! I’m happy to participate in Dogtipper and Cattipper’s blog hop this week.The instructions are to introduce yourself as if you are meeting friends at a party. So here goes:My name is Peggy Frezon and...
by Peggy | Apr 25, 2011 |
Kelly: “Do I hafta?”Yup! It had to happen: bath day. Kelly does not take too kindly to getting glammed up. We usually bathe Kelly ourselves, because Kelly doesn’t like the sound and feel of the blow dryer. So we give her time to air dry (and rub her...
by Peggy | Apr 20, 2011 |
One of the joys of blogging about pets is connecting with other pet bloggers.We can connect by anything from staying at home and commenting on other pet blogs…or by getting out and traveling to a big conference such as Blog Paws. Another great way to connect is...
by Peggy | Mar 16, 2011 |
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from my Irish gal, O’Kelly and me!What’s with the glittery bow?I’m so embarrassed.There, are you happy Mom?