by Peggy | Feb 16, 2011 |
Since Corbin is a cool dude, and a neighbor, we decided to enter his Shrine to Corbin contest! So here we go….Kelly: Hey Corbin! You know that big doggy up on top of that building downtown?Corbin: You mean the one called Nipper? The RCA dog?Kelly: Yeah,...
by Peggy | Feb 14, 2011 |
Happy Valentine’s Day from Kelly and me! And guess what, today we’re also celebrating Kelly’s birthday! Although we don’t know her exact birth date, we were told she was about 1 year old when she came to us from the rescue shelter.We thought...
by Peggy | Jan 24, 2011 |
I can’t wait to share this with you all.As many of you know, my first book is coming out this summer. It’s about families, changes, love, losing weight, and of course, Kelly.After accepting my manuscript, one of the first things my publisher needed was a...
by Peggy | Nov 22, 2010 |
When we checked in for our daily dose of Houndgirl a few weeks ago, Kelly perked up and took notice. There was a contest. She pawed at my arm, urging me to press those keys and enter.The blog told about some biscuits that Haley and Fred especially loved, and then...