Reality Check for Pet Owners

I recently read an article on Wisebread that had me laughing and nodding in agreement: 10 Hidden Costs and Rules of Pet Ownership by Frugal Dutchess. Please go to the site and check it out, including the 10 Adorable Photos of Pets. I’m not quite sure about the...

My Pet Mom Mistakes

Most pet parents have been there. We do our best training and raising our furry charges, but then we look back and realize there were things we could have done differently. Okay; could have done better.My dog Kelly is 7 years old now. She’s mature, set in her...

The Other Side of the Fence

Several days ago I noticed Kelly licking the top of her paw. I didn’t think much of it at first, dogs do tend to lick after all. But as she continued, I tried to get a look to see what was wrong. No easy task because she is so furry. She definitely had an injury...