My Perch

There is a narrow window sill on our front porch where Kelly likes to perch. She watches the children play, the Fed Ex truck make deliveries, and the neighborhood cats pass by. I think she’s rather cat-like in this behavior. Don’t you?   Want...

Wednesday Pet Roundup -the best for you this week

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and Brooks are waiting for you to come give them a hug! * Tip for parents: Realize that puppies and babies don’t “grow up together.” Hire a Nanny blog shares an article, How to Choose a Kid-Friendly...

Our Snowball

This month I’m writing about love every weekday until Valentine’s day. Today, Brooks and Kelly want to tell you about one of their favorite toys. Whether the ground is covered with big white flakes or not,we don’t care. We love our snowball!...