My Day at Work

Hi, Kelly here! Since today is Take Your Dog to Work Day, Mom said I could write the blog post. I’m so excited I can’t stop wagging. I might even let my new brother Brooks add a woof or two. Since Mom works from home I get to be her office-mate every day....

Before and After

What do you mean, my paws are fluffy? Were you one of those moms who hated to part with your child’s beautiful baby hair? Or did you ever feel sad when you had to cut your son or daughter’s curly locks? Maybe I’m a little bit like that. We...

Kelly and Brooks

Okay, so now the question you’re all waiting for….how do Kelly and Brooks get along? Does this answer things? I can’t say that Kelly hasn’t been bossy.  She makes a big, noisy scene and gets possessive over food. A crumb dropped on the...

Kelly’s Ledge

Here is Kelly’s window ledge. It’s on the front porch. She loves to sit on this narrow ledge and look out the window.  It doesn’t look very comfy, but she must think it is. She sits out there (or lays down, or stands!) for hours just watching...