My 7 Links for Tripbase Project

When blogging, I’m usually looking forward, thinking about what comes next, scheduling posts, reading books for reviews, etc. It’s not often that I take a look back. But now it’s time! Grouchy Puppy tagged me in Tripbase’s My 7 Links blog post...

Friday Funnies

Kelly has been consorting with the cartoonists, and here she is, featured in two different, fantastic cartoons!From the great website, Life with Dogs, cartoonist Jason Dodge created this cartoon, based on input from me and Kelly:And, here is a cartoon by the talented...

Mini is Better!

I confess. I’m a Frequent Treater.Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to praise and love, she gets a lot of treats.Recently, as we’ve been dieting together, I’ve been...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and Welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! I’m not sure what got into me this week, but kind of a strange roundup of animal stories. I guess the heat is getting to me! Speaking of heat, here is Kelly sitting out in the road on a very hot day. I don’t think...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly wants you to come play at the beach with her! Here is the news and happenings this week:* The drawing ends today… hurry to win a pet first aid kit and collapsable water bowl over at Dog Tipper.* Another great...