Whose idea was it to go swimming?

You want me to get that? Are you kidding?Okay, okay. You don’t have to have Brother hold me down. I’ll try it.If only I didn’t have to get my feet wet, though.There, are you happy Mom? Now can I get out?

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup!* Join the Million Heart Challenge to benefit canine heart disease research, and maybe win a trip too! PRNewswire brings you the details.* Fox news reports that San Francisco is considering a ban on goldfish. The reason?...

Kelly’s good luck

What’s more fun than getting prizes in the mail?!First, I am thrilled to have won third place in FIDO Friendly magazine’s Leave No Dog Behind writing contest. The theme was on traveling with your pet, and I wrote about taking our dalmatian puppy on our...

Father’s Day weekend

Paws for Thought:”A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be.” Happy Father’s Day!!!

Kelly and Dr. Seuss

Paws for Thought:June is a busy month full of graduations, weddings, birthdays, Father’s Day and more. In honor of all these special people, here are some words from the immortal Dr. Seuss:”Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive...