Wednesday Pet Roundup, wet dog edition

Kelly is shaking it off! Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup, with links you won’t want to miss! * Wet dogs shaking off water is not just cute, it may have scientific significance, according to Georgia Tech researchers. Would you like to be the researcher in...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly and I took a nice walk in along a little creek. She’s enjoying what little water was trickling along there. The grass hasn’t greened up yet, but the temperatures were in the 70’s…I’ll take it...

D is for Diet, and a bonus

Photo from Dieting with my Dog Pawing Through the Alphabet  (**Frankie keep reading…I won’t let you down.) Today, D is for Diet Many of you already know that Kelly and I have been dieting together. I don’t want to be redundant, and I won’t...

Band-aid for Pip

  See that badge up here on the right column? It was made by Puddles of We 3 Doxies, and it’s because our bloggy friend Pip hasn’t been feeling well. I don’t know Pip in person, but I know he’s one super special pup. Pip He has an enlarged...

Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and Welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly is enjoying playing outside in the leaves. Does your dog have a favorite team?! Here are the links for this week: * Fox news reports on the best breeds of dog for home protection. What do you think—doberman?...